C++ Virtual Keyword and Confusion of a Reference Creation Expression
For the first week I started my job, I mainly review C++ apart from
those administration matters. There are some tutorials inside company
wiki. When I review the virtual
feature of C++, my brain is
a little bit of mess. Also, I meet a confusing expression related with
reference. Therefore, after I figure out what happened exactly, I decide
to write these things for a backup of my memory.
2023-07-23 Update
3int a = 1;
int a(1);
int a{1};
class可以override在base class里使用了virtual关键字的方法。当使用base
class的指针指向一个derived class的实例,就可以调用derived
virtual特性的一种实现是(大多数编译器也是这么做的):每一个derived class要维护一个virtual table,virtual table里有指向virtual函数的指针。base class有一个virtual table pointer的属性,指向virtual table。到了调用virtual函数的时候,就从virtual table里找对应的函数指针。
至于virtual table pointer指向哪个地址,我没有深究,但是猜测是derived class在初始化的时候会给base class的virtual table pointer初始化值,指向自己的virtual table。
When not use virtual
to try to override a method
) in the derived class, as case 2, the pointer
of parent class type
) call the method from its own
class, NOT the child's (CMyDerivedClass
) method,
although the pointer points to a child class
After add virtual
keyword to the method, the
object pointer calls the child's method. As case 1,
this behavior is intuitive as we expect.
Case 1:
keyword before the methods.
1 | // the parent class |
The running result:
1 | get class name from parent pointer to child. |
Case 2: no
keyword before the methods
1 | // the parent class |
The running result:
1 | get class name from parent pointer to child. |
I've been confuesd by the expression
CMyClass& lv_Test4(*pchild);
for two days. I searched
lots of keywords, copy constructor, copy initialisation, reference
initialisation, base class instantiation from devrived object ...
I thought it would be the same as first create an object of
and then create an reference to that object.
Therefore, I tried the following code
1 | CMyClass cp4Test6(child); |
Suddenly I came up an idea to check the address of child
and lv_Test4
in case 1. It found out that the addresses
were the same.
Therefore, it just created a reference to child
Virtual, Override
c++ - Should I use virtual, override, or both keywords? - Stack Overflow
Virtual keyword marks the method in the base class virtual, and the derived class can override the virtual method in the base class. While the derived class does not need to use virtual keyword before the overridden method. If used, it indicates the method can be further overridden in the further derived class.
The override keyword, only used in the derived class for the method override.